Vol.7 学校選択問題とは?
2018年度入試 学校選択問題を実施する埼玉県公立高校
2017年度入試の各教科の平均点(埼玉県教育委員会HP>>より) ※()内は2016年度入試の平均点
教科 | 平均点 |
数学 | 44.4(51.1) |
英語 | 52.0(57.4) |
社会 | 60.6(63.7) |
理科 | 48.5(39.2) |
国語 | 53.5(57.9) |
合計 | 258.8(269.4) |
教科 | 平均点 |
数学 | 43.2 |
英語 | 71.9 |
一部、問題を見ていきましょう。 ※埼玉県教育委員会HP>>より一部抜粋
- 問1.10x-7xを計算しなさい。
- 問2.(-2)×4+1を計算しなさい。
- 問3.9a2÷3ab×(-b)を計算しなさい。
- 問4.√8+2/√2 を計算しなさい。
- 問5.x2-13x+36を因数分解しなさい。
- 問6.連立方程式を解きなさい。
- 問7.2次方程式 (x+4)2-5=0を解きなさい。
- 問8.等式 ℓ=2(a+b) を,bについて解きなさい。
- 問9.1500mの道のりを毎分x mの速さで歩くとき,出発してから到着するまでにかかる時間をy分とします。yをxの式で表しなさい。
- 問10.関数 y=x2 について,xの変域を a≦x≦a+2 とするとき,yの変域が 0≦y≦4 となるようなaの値を,次のア~オの中からすべて選び,その記号を書きなさい。
ア,-2 イ,-1 ウ,0 エ,1 オ,2
- 問1.4/3x-y-3/2x-yを計算しなさい。
- 問2.x=1+ ,y=1-のとき,x2+4x-y2+4 の値を求めなさい。
- 問3.方程式 6x-3y+7=4x+6y=2x+3 を解きなさい。
- 問4.関数 y=x2 について,xの変域を a≦x≦a+2 とするとき,yの変域が 0≦y≦4 となるようなaの値をすべて求めなさい。
問6.右の図のように,AB=10 cmの平行四辺形ABCDがあります。辺AB上に,AE=4 cmとなる点Eをとり,線分ECをひきます。線分ECと対角線BDとの交点をFとし,点Fを通って辺BCに平行な直線と辺ABとの交点をGとします。
(1)2次方程式 (x+4)2-5=0 を解きなさい。
(2)2次方程式 ax2+bx+c=0 の解が,x=2a/-b±√b2-4ac であることを,2次方程式 ax2+bx+c=0を変形して導きなさい。ただし,a>0とします。
(11) | 12 | (13) | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 |
Aさん「 ( )です。」
先 生「そのとおりです。では,『差が2である2つの素数』の間にある自然数は,何の倍数ですか。」
先 生「そうですね。その理由を考えてみましょう。」
(1)( )にあてはまる,『差が2である2つの素数』の組を書きなさい。
(2) 2次方程式 ax2+bx+c=0 の解が,x=2a/-b±√b2-4acであることを,2次方程式 ax2+bx+c=0 を変形して導きなさい。ただし,a>0とします。
A few weeks ago, Satoru talked with his classmates, Takako and Mike. He said, “Before we *graduate next month, I want to do something for our *homeroom teacher, Ms. Aoki.” Takako said, “Oh, that’s a good idea. Do you have any ideas, Satoru?” Satoru said, “I want to give her something as a memory of our class. ( A )” Then Mike said, “I don’t think we should buy a gift. How about making something for her?” Takako said, “That’s great. Let’s make a *photo album. ①She can ( ) her time with us after we graduate.” Satoru and Mike agreed with Takako’s idea.
Satoru went home and looked for pictures. During dinner time, he talked to his family about the album. He said, “I tried to find good pictures, but there aren’t enough pictures to make an album.” Satoru’s mother said, “You can ask your friends. I think they’ll give you some pictures.” Satoru said, “Good idea.( B )”
The next day, Satoru said to all his classmates, “I’m thinking about making a photo album for Ms. Aoki and giving it to her when we graduate. What do you think?” A student said, “That sounds great. Let’s do it!” Everyone agreed. Satoru continued, “I want all of you to look for good pictures. Then we can use them to make a nice album.( C )”
A few days later, Mike gave Satoru a picture of their school trip to Kyoto. Mike said, ②“This is the picture we (take) at Kinkaku-ji. During the trip, Ms. Aoki taught me a lot about old Japanese temples. Now, I’m interested in Japanese history.”
On the same day, Kaori, one of Satoru’s classmates, gave him a picture of the *chorus contest. “You chose a nice one,” he said. Kaori said, “I chose this because the contest was a great experience for me. At first, our class didn’t sing well when we practiced. ③I was ( ) sad that I said to Ms. Aoki, ‘We aren’t going to do well in the contest.’ Later, she told us to believe in our classmates. After that, we practiced harder, and we finally won first prize at the contest. We’ve become better friends since then.” Satoru said, “Thank you, Kaori. This is a good memory. Through the contest, all of us learned that it’s important to do our best.”
During the next few weeks, everyone in Satoru’s class gave him pictures with their messages for Ms. Aoki. Now Satoru and all his classmates really look forward to giving her the album. 【410 words】
3【問題B】次は,高校1年生のKeitaがLight Pollution (光害) という題で行ったスピーチです。これを読んで,問1~問6に答えなさい。
Hello, everyone. Last summer I visited Nagano with my family and stayed at a hotel near the Yatsugatake Mountains. During the night, we were very excited to see so many stars in the dark sky. We were able to see *the Milky Way. It was a wonderful experience!
But can we see many stars here in this city? No, we can’t. I sometimes look up at the night sky, but I can see only a ( A ) stars here. At night, the city is too bright to see the stars. I understand that *artificial light at night makes our life active and safe. But do we really need so much light? I don’t think so. After coming back from Nagano, I wanted to know 〔 becoming / difficult / is / it / see / the stars / to / why 〕. I used the Internet to look for more information, and I found the words “light pollution.”
*The Ministry of the Environment says light pollution is hikari-gai in Japanese. It is *caused by too much artificial light at night. *According to research in 2016, more than thirty percent of people in the world can’t see the Milky Way during the night because of light pollution. It also says that about eighty percent of people in North America can’t see it, and that the number is about seventy percent for Japan. You may think that losing a dark night sky is not a big problem, but it really is. Actually, light pollution *affects all living things on the earth.
Scientists are studying the *effects of light pollution on animals. *Sea turtles are one example. When sea turtles grow up, they come up to the beach during the night to *lay their eggs. But artificial light makes them ( B ) of coming up to the beach, so they can’t get to the right place. Also, light pollution is a big problem for baby sea turtles. After coming out of their eggs, baby turtles move *toward the sea by following the moon’s *reflection on it. But if there are many lights from hotels and streets near the beach, they will move toward those lights, not toward the sea.
Scientists have also found that light pollution has bad effects on humans. Their research shows that artificial light at night *disrupts our *internal clock and makes some people sick and tired. But health is not the only problem for humans. Many kinds of human activities are affected by light pollution too. For many centuries, humans have *developed sciences like *astronomy by watching the stars. ( ① ) However, if there is too much artificial light at night, their work is seriously disrupted. It’s sad to think that we may lose these important parts of our culture.
And don’t forget the effects of light pollution on global warming. Artificial light needs energy made from *fossil fuels. So if we use more artificial light, more CO2 will be produced and the earth will become hotter. This will affect all plants and animals on the earth. We should remember that light pollution has become a world environmental problem.
Now we’ve learned about the effects of light pollution. ( ② ) In some places in Japan, people are trying different things to take back our dark night sky. For example, some high school students in Gunma are working hard to reduce light pollution. About six years ago, they started to study this problem in their club activities. Now they work on a *campaign called “Light Down.” In this campaign, the students ask people in their city to turn off the lights at home on one August night. “Let’s see the stars in the dark night sky,” the campaign poster says. Many people are joining this campaign. These students are as young as we are, but they are doing something important. Isn’t that amazing?
( ③ ) They also say that *driverless cars may help because they won’t need many street lights. But there is something simple that everyone can do right now. Can you guess? Yes! Turn off the lights when we don’t need them. The effects of light pollution won’t go away soon, but we can do this very easily. So let’s work together!
Do you want a beautiful night sky that is full of stars? I believe that your answer is “Yes!” So just remember: artificial light should only be used when it’s necessary. Bright cities at night may look beautiful, but now we should think about the problems they can cause. Thank you.【730 words】